Monday, October 6, 2008

Bailout Woes

Isn't it ironic that immediately after the bailout passes against the
better judgment of the American people, that the Dow falls for
potentially one of the biggest sell offs in history?

Bob Barr, sharing many of the views of Ron paul,
saw this coming: "There is much more to be done to clean up the
economic mess flowing from the housing market crash, but the
ill-considered federal bailout is likely to slow the process."

He continues: "Far from bringing change to Washington, the election of either Sen.
Obama or McCain would mean more of the same: More political
interference in the economy; more special interests running government
economic policy; more taxpayer bailouts; more politics as usual."

Read the entire article here: http://www.huffingtonpos​​chaos-increases_b_132195​.html

I ask you to consider a vote for Barr as a way to escape the failings of the two party system. We have seen the results of business as usual politics, and it is time to break free of this painful binary

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